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Orbital Mechanics
Creating A Navigational Beacon
Mission Planning
Traffic Pattern
Launching to Orbit
Space Flight Maneuvers
Apogee & Perigee, Circularizing
Align Orbital Planes
Synchronizing Orbits
Base Sync
Aerodynamic Braking
Deorbit and Reentry
Transfer Orbit: Ship To Ship
Transfer Orbit: Interplanetary
TransX MFD
Faster Than Light Travel






Orbital Tutorials

The tutorials are organized into three groups Pilot Astronaut Class I, II, and III. Each Class of tutorials gets progressively more difficult and is based upon principles taught in the previous lesson. It is recommended that you begin with Class I and then move progressively through each tutorial. This will help you gain experience and confidence in flying you space craft. Many of the tutorials are under construction or will be revised as nessecary. If you have any comments or suggestion on how to improve the lessons provide here, please send them too: customerservice@fly-zero-g.com

Pilot Astronaut Class I

Pilot Astronaut Class II

Pilot Astronaut Class III




Home ] Introduction ] Orbital Mechanics ] Creating A Navigational Beacon ] Mission Planning ] Preflight ] Traffic Pattern ] Takeoff ] Landing ] Launching to Orbit ] Space Flight Maneuvers ] Apogee & Perigee, Circularizing ] Align Orbital Planes ] Synchronizing Orbits ] Docking ] Undocking ] Base Sync ] Aerodynamic Braking ] Deorbit and Reentry ] Transfer Orbit: Ship To Ship ] Transfer Orbit: Interplanetary ] TransX MFD ] Faster Than Light Travel ]

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Copyright © 2005 Millennium Aviation & Aerospace
Last modified: 02/07/11