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Engaging Warp Drive CL






Faster Than Light Travel - The Warp Drive

Lesson Objectives

In this tutorial you will learn the basic steps to use a Warp Drive to travel at faster-then-light speeds. The following subjects will be presented.

  1. Concept

  2. Setup Beacon

  3. Warp Calculations

  4. Instrument Setup

  5. Engaging the Warp Drive

  6. Summary Check List - Engaging the Warp Drive

Suggested Reading Topics:

  1. The warp drive: hyper-fast travel within general relativity (PDF)

  2. eBook: Hyperbolic Geometrodynamic Warp Drives & Beyond (PDF)

Module Installations:

  1. Warp Drive MFD

Section 1: Concept

Warp drive is a faster-then-light (FTL) propulsion system. A spacecraft equipped with a warp drive may travel at velocities greater than that of light. It circumvents the relativistic problem of time dilation that occurs as result of Einstein's Twin Paradox. The warp drive does not permit instantaneous travel between two points; instead the warp drive creates an artificial "bubble" of normal space-time that surrounds the spacecraft  allowing the space craft to travel at enormous speeds, Figure 1a. The Warp drive provides point to point travel with out the need of using transfer orbits. Consequently, a spacecraft at warp velocity can continue to interact with objects in normal space so be careful not to crash into any planets, or space craft.

The idea of warping space as a means of propulsion was first proposed by physicists  Miguel Alcubierre (click here).  The space time around a spacecraft is altered allowing it to ride along the warp bubble. The space time in front of the vessel is contracted (or shrunk) while the space time behind is expanded, the space craft rides along this distortion just as surfer rides along an ocean wave, Figure1b.

Figure 1a Warp Field

Figure 1b Expansion and Contraction of Space Time

Section 2: Setup A Navigational Beacon

A Navigation Beacon can be used to provide useful information for  navigation systems. The different MFD modes can provide useful information once we have selected a destination target in each of them.

Read the lesson on how to "Create A Navigational Beacon". Place the beacon in orbit around the planet or destination that you are traveling to. For this lesson we will use Neptune as our target destination. Use the commands in the "Main Menu" dialog box to move the beacon to the destination, Figure 2a, and 2b.

Figure 2a Use Command To Move Beacon to Desired Location

Figure 2b Place Beacon In Orbit Around Neptune


Section 3: Warp Calculations

Calculating the time to make a trip using a warp drive is fairly straight forward. Simply divide the distance that you need to travel by the speed of light. You may need to convert from Astronomical units to meters. The distance information can be read directly from the HUD display. D is distance to travel in meters, c speed of light in meters per second, and t is time in seconds.

Section 4: Instrument Setup

Warp Drive MFD Mode

The Warp Drive MFD Mode is used to engage the warp engines of your space craft. It is a universal control that works for all space craft that can be flown in the Orbit Simulator Program. The Warp MFD is quite simple to use. Figure 4a displays the different functions it has.


Table 4a Warp MFD Commands
Shift+W Toggles Warp Drive on and off.
Shift+= and Shift+- Regulates Warp velocity. Speed limit - warp 5 or 125 times the speed of light.
Shift+D or DRP Drop the space craft out of warp
Shift+B or REV Applies warp braking by changing the direction of the warp field is applied
Shift+G or GRV disables/enables the gravity.
Shift+W or WRP Enables/disables the drive.


Figure 4a Warp Drive MFD

Beacon and Docking MFD Mode

In the Docking MFD Mode, select the Beacon as the target, then set the HUD mode to display distance and orientation information.  Doing so will provide distant to our destination as well help us orient our space craft in the proper direction that we need to travel. Be sure that what ever vessel you decided to use as the beacon has a docking port, or else this method will not work when using the Docking MFD Mode, Figure 4b, and 4c.

Figure 4b Docking Mode

Figure 4c HUD Read Outs

Orbital MFD Mode

Set the Orbital MFD Mode on the right display and set the reference to the planet that you are traveling too. This will allow you to monitor the orbital elements as you approach the planet. During the jump you can use the Orbital MDS mode to adjust the trajectory using the maneuvering thrusters. Use the information from the orbital read outs to adjust the location and altitude of the perigee. The perigee distance will be the point where you want to drop out of warp .

Figure 4d Orbital Mode Read outs

Complete the Instrument setup items on the Engaging Warp Drive Checklist:

bullet Engaging Warp Drive

Section 5: Engaging The Warp Field

Engaging Warp Drive

Once the instrumentation is set up, align the space craft with Beacon using the Heads Up Display. Use the maneuver thrusters, and alignment arrows to center the nose of the space craft in the target box, Figure 5a. Configure the space craft for warp speed by ensuring that all of the outer hatch, landing gear, and other accessories are stowed, Figure 5b.

Figure 5a Orient Space Craft

Figure 5b Configure Space
Craft For Jump

Now that you are confident that the space craft is ready for the jump, engaged the warp drive by selecting the "Shift W". Monitor the HUD and ensure that you stay aligned with your target. Increase warp speed by selecting the "Shift +/-" buttons on your key board, Figure 5c.

Figure 5c Engage Warp Drive

Disengage Warp Drive

As you approach your destination adjust your course and heading with the maneuvering thrusters, Figure 5d. It would also be wise to slow the space craft down as you approach or else you will fly right passed it, Figure 5e. Once you are satisfied with your approach, drop out our warp when you reach the perigee of your orbit around the planet, Figure 5f.

Figure 5d Adjust Course
For Desired Orbit

Figure 5e Slow to Sub-light Speeds
For Course Corrections


Figure 5f Drop out of
Warp At Perigee

Warp Braking

Now that  you have drop out of warp you will need to apply "warp braking" to circularize the orbit. Reverse the warp field by selecting "Shift B", and select a slow warp velocity, roughly 5% to10% of the speed of light.

The Warp Velocity (Rel Velocity) must be less then, or equal to, your orbital velocity (Vel), Figure 5g. Engage the warp field when you are pass the perigee of the orbit. Continue to lead the perigee of the orbit and monitor the Orbital MFD Mode as you begin to shrink the warp trajectory to a circular orbit, Figure 5h.

This procedure may take several orbit to accomplish this. Slowly decrease the eccentricity until it reaches zero. You may have to periodically turn off the warp field and let the space craft speed up to a point where it is leading the perigee of the orbit. You can use the warp field to adjust your orbital elements just like you would with the main engine, but use very low velocities or else it will be to hard to accomplish.

Figure 5g Set Warp Velocity
Less then Orbital Velocity

Figure 5h Lead the Perigee of the
Orbit while perform Warp Braking

 Disengage the warp field once you are satisfied with circularizing your orbit. You can then use conventional thruster to adjust your perigee and apogee of the orbit to the desired values, Figure 5i.

Figure 5i Disengage Warp Field
When Orbit is Circularized

Complete the procedures items on the Engaging Warp Drive Checklist.


Engaging Warp Drive

Section 6: Summary Check List - Engaging the Warp Drive

Listed below is a summary of the check list used in this lesson. A check list provides using abbreviated steps to help remind you of the action items that you need to take. They are listed here as a quick reference guide and are sited through out this lesson.


Engaging Warp Drive



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Last modified: 01/26/11